The Captain Cook Bridge over Georges River at Taren Point was built circa 1965. Captain Cook Bridge is located over the Georges River between Sans Souci and Taren Point. The bridge is 507 m long, 27 m wide, and contains seven spans with six piers. The structure consists of reinforced concrete piers sitting on prestressed concrete piles with a precast pre-tensioned superstructure.
Being built during the 1960’s, the bridge has endured weathering and chloride-induced corrosion for half a century. These harmful conditions are due to high winds conveying airborne chloride and chloride and sulfate ion penetration in the tidal/splash/submerged zones of the concrete structure.
Roads and Maritime Services (NSW engaged AECOM to undertake a condition assessment of the bridge. The objective is to provide professional services in investigating the condition of the bridge and its components, to identify any deficiencies within the structure, and to provide recommendations for the restoration of the bridge structural integrity to meet the 100 year design life. Dr James Aldred was part of AECOM’s materials team.